You really can change your eating habits
Sometimes without even realising it...
On Tuesday I travelled to Birmingham with my partner to watch Aston Villa play in the Capital One Cup semi final against Bradford. It was a long way and there was loads of traffic so we didn't have time to eat before the match. When we came out (we lost so the mood was... eat and get home!) we were starving and freezing, so we had no alternative but to eat a greasy burger from one of the vans. Spencer (my partner and self confessed junk food lover) has been living with me (missus health and fitness junkie) for almost a year so you can imagine that his diet has changed drastically! I always cook healthy food for my family, from scratch (I love cooking) but with my busy life and difficult working hours it has to be simple (just thought I'd get that point in.. I don't spend hours in the kitchen). So, Spencer has been subjected to healthy food for many months now and I'm sure craves burgers on many occasions. This however, since Tuesday night, has changed somewhat! So we both quickly ate said greasy burgers and dashed home to bed. The next morning Spencer complained of feeling sick in the night, that the greasy burger he was so looking forward to made him feel repulsed and that it felt like was oooozing from every pore. He couldn't stand the smell and said he couldn't believe how bad his reaction was to it.So there you go.... his body had a reaction to highly processed, greasy junk food because it isn't used to it anymore (I'm not saying we never eat junk but it's very rare!) In a matter of months, and without realising it or even thinking about it, his body and the way it reacts to food has changed dramatically.
For me this is awesome. It's proof, without even trying, that our bodies adapt to what we put in them - which means that changing your eating habits really is achievable (even unwittingly in some cases!) Change your eating habits for long enough and you can get to a point where you don't miss the food you used to eat and probably will have a similar reaction to junk!